Feminine Health
Women’s health is a multifaceted and dynamic Flower Power field that encompasses all aspects of a woman’s life. It includes reproductive health issues, mental health concerns and sexual health issues.
It also encompasses issues like gender equality, reproductive rights and women’s empowerment. The goal of women’s health is to promote and improve the health and well-being of women, girls and adolescents.
Healthy Vulva
A healthy vagina is a woman’s best defense against infections and other health problems. It generally has an acidic pH, is naturally lubricated and contains rich quantities of beneficial bacteria that help fight off infections.
If you have any unusual discharge, odor, itching or pain during sex or urination, see a trusted health care provider to determine if the problem is related to your vagina.
The Ultimate Guide to Feminine Health: Tips and Tricks
The Vulva is the external genitalia that connects to the vagina, which is the urethra and urinary opening. It is part of a complex system that protects your genitalia and allows you to menstruate and give birth.
It is often referred to as “feminine hygiene.” This term was originally used as a marketing ploy to make cisgender women feel uncomfortable about their vulva and buy feminine hygiene products, which have been associated with transphobic, misogynistic values. In recent years, it has been renamed to “women+ health” to better represent the diverse needs of all individuals impacted by sex-based inequities. This change is important because it aims to reflect the full range of sex-based health issues, from female genitals and reproductive organs to sex oppression and nonbinary identity.