Standing kettlebell abs can be a great way to target your core muscles and help you get that 6-pack washboard look. The key to getting those abs is targeting all of the abdominal muscles, including your obliques and spinal erectors.
How do I tone my stomach with kettlebells?
The standard swing is a great exercise for building your core strength, and it’s one of the most fundamental kettlebell exercises you can do. Begin by standing feet slightly wider than hip-width apart and maintaining a slight bend in your knees. Lean forward and grasp the kettlebell with both hands.
Drive your hips and glutes forward, pushing the standing kettlebell abs | Strong And Fit up and out in a fluid motion as you simultaneously rotate your body to the left and right into a swing.
Repeat this motion for 10 to 15 reps, and then switch sides.
Exercise #2: Plank Pass Over
The pass over is another exercise that targets your core in a similar way to the renegade hold, but with an added anti-rotation element. Simply move the kettlebell from right to left while in the plank position, which should be maintained for a full rep.
This is a good core-strengthening exercise that can be done by anyone with any fitness level. Just be sure to keep your torso squared forward and avoid arching your back while performing the exercise, as this can cause injury.