Tecnara Tools Blog Feminized Autoflower Seeds

Feminized Autoflower Seeds

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Feminized autoflower feminized autoflower seeds are the holy grail of cannabis cultivation. Unlike photoperiod seeds that are triggered to enter the flowering phase by changing light cycles, feminized autoflowers switch from vegetative to fruiting growth on their own and will always (to within 99.9%) grow into a female plant that produces THC-rich buds with seedless flowers. This increases the probability of a successful harvest and saves growers the hassle of having to remove male plants.

It’s important to remember, though, that no t all feminized autoflowers are the same. Some have poor genetics, which can result in inferior crops and low THC levels. However, thanks to recent advancements in breeding, quality levels of feminized autoflowers have risen considerably – you just need to look at the winning strains of the Autoflower World Cup to see this.

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As a result, many professional growers now use feminized autoflower seeds for their commercial grows as they can be more consistent than regular photoperiod crops. Moreover, the short autoflower life cycle means they tend to stay short and squat, which can make them more compact and easier to work with. With proper care and quality genetics, a grower can still get substantial yields from feminized autoflower strains. In addition, a feminized autoflower can be grown alongside non-feminized photoperiod varieties in the same grow room, since it won’t interfere with the flowering of the latter. This allows growers to choose the best strains for their specific circumstances, based on potency, flavour and aroma profiles and growing technique.

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