Day: June 5, 2023

How to Become a Master Gardener in CaliforniaHow to Become a Master Gardener in California

become a masterer gardener in california

Become a masterer gardener in california a master gardener is an excellent way to meet new friends and learn new things. You also help your community by providing horticultural information to residents. The program offers intensive horticultural training in exchange for volunteer service. The program is offered through universities throughout the country and Canada. In Los Angeles County, Master Gardener volunteers have served more than 1.4 million people since 1993.

Unlocking Your Green Thumb: How to Become a Certified Master Gardener in California

The 13-week UC Master Gardener course covers a wide range of topics including vegetables, fruits, trees, flowers and ornamental gardening, sustainable landscape practices, home pest management, water conservation, soil health and more. Classes are taught by UC Cooperative Extension specialists and staff. Graduates of the class are given a certificate of completion, and some programs assign mentors to help them start out as master gardeners. Advanced master gardeners can earn continuing education credit by participating in specialized training courses and staying active in the program.

UC Master Gardeners promote healthy gardens, communities and a sustainable environment by providing research-based information to home gardeners. They answer questions at a help desk, at fairs and farmers markets and on phone and email help lines. They work to increase the capacity of local organizations to promote and support gardening, including community and school gardens.