Garage door repair are a great addition to any home, protecting the cars and other valuables from bad weather, intruders and neighborhood animals like stray dogs or raccoons. However, they can also be rather problematic when they start to break down or malfunction. In such cases, it’s important to have a garage door repair expert around to take care of the problem as soon as possible.
One of the most common problems is a broken or damaged garage door panel. This is usually a simple fix, but it is still crucial to address the issue immediately so that it doesn’t cause further damage or prevent the garage door from functioning properly.
DIY or Professional? Deciding on Garage Door Repair Options
Another common problem is when the garage door tracks become bent. This can be quite annoying and expensive to fix. Fortunately, it’s quite easy to do so with a few handy tools. First, examine the vertical sections of the tracks with a flashlight and look for crimps, folds and dents. If there are any, loosen but don’t remove the screws or bolts at the mounting brackets. Then, place a block of wood against the bent section of track and hammer it back into shape with a rubber mallet or wooden hammer. Repeat this process with the horizontal sections of the track if necessary.
Finally, if the garage door feels heavier than usual when it’s opened manually, this is often a sign that the springs need replacing. To do this, make sure that the power is disconnected from the motor and clamp the door down to keep it secure while you work.