A civil suit wrongful death is a legal action filed by survivors of a person who died due to a third party’s negligence. Wrongful death lawsuits usually involve the deceased’s family members.
There are a number of different types of claims that can be made in a wrongful death suit. The damages can include monetary compensation, loss of counsel, love, care, or guidance. It is also possible to receive punitive damages. Punitive damages are aimed at punishing the defendant for willful or reckless misconduct.
In addition to seeking monetary compensation, a wrongful death lawsuit can be used to hold the responsible party accountable for their actions. If the decedent was the victim of medical malpractice, the surviving family may be eligible for compensation for lost medical services.
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The lawsuit is filed by the personal representative of the estate. This is typically the surviving spouse or children. Depending on the state in which the case is filed, others who suffer financially from the decedent’s death may be allowed to file.
Usually, the surviving spouse or children are given the highest priority. In some cases, other surviving relatives are allowed to sue, such as adult siblings or financial dependents. Typically, the amount of noneconomic damages is limited.
Whether or not you choose to file a wrongful death lawsuit, it is important to understand your rights and the local laws. Wrongful death attorneys can help you navigate the legal system. They can explain your options, explain what you are entitled to, and represent your interests in court.