Our otl exam questions and answers are designed to help students learn the material that will be presented in the insurance licensing exam. We know that the RIBO (registered insurance brokers of ontario) exam is not easy to pass and this product helps you become familiar with the format and questions asked on the actual exam. This allows you to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses so that you can prepare properly for the certification exam. Students who read all of the chapters, do the chapter quizzes and write the practice exam and receive a score of 75% or better are statistically much more likely to pass the RIBO Certification Exam on their first attempt.
OTL Exam Unveiled: Assessing the Challenges and Preparing for Success
Jacques is a seasoned educator who has been in the education industry since 2009. He brings his experience to these OTL license exam study notes to simplify complex ideas for his students. The material is well written, easy to follow and has all the learning objectives required to pass your RIBO exam.
To become a licensed general insurance agent in Ontario you need to pass the OTL exam. This will enable you to sell home, auto, travel and liability coverage. You also need to have a sponsor for your license which can be obtained from an insurance company. The insurance company will initiate the licensing application process with FSCO and work with you to complete all the necessary forms. You also need to meet the character requirements which include a criminal background check and you can’t have a conflict of interest with another insurance broker or with any other business.