If you are having trouble getting a good night’s rest, there is no need to suffer any longer. Talk to a knowledgeable cannabis clinician and learn what could be contributing to your sleep issues. Then, you can start to address them. Your doctor will be able to help you with behavioral changes and sometimes even recommend sedative medications. This link cannovia.com
CBD may also help with sleep if it is used in combination with other natural sleep aids like teas and supplements. However, if you are already using these sleep-promoting products and still have trouble sleeping, it’s important to discuss your options with your doctor so they can advise you on the best course of treatment for your specific situation.
CBD for Sleep: A Natural Alternative to Sleep Aids
A recent study looked at 103 adult patients who had anxiety or sleep problems and were treated with CBD in a psychiatric clinic. At each monthly visit, the participants’ anxiety and sleep were documented. The results showed that for most of the patients, their anxiety and sleep improved over time.
The study also found that when CBD is taken at night, it can improve the quality of sleep by reducing the frequency and duration of sleep-interrupting events (like REM) and by slowing down the onset of non-REM sleep. In addition, the study found that CBD reduces the amplitude of wake-related oscillations and quiets down the wake-promoting activity of cortisol.